
Check for updates every week! Don't miss out any events!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Oh right!! GRAD OF 2011 BBQ! 
On September 30th ,2010 
Find Ms. Goulet for the tickets to the Grad BBQ ;D they're only 2$!
It's to help support our grad 2011 girls and boys :]
Starts: 5-7pm!
For Grad Parent & scholarship meeting~ 
it's at 7:00pm-8:00pm meeting in the Library

Oh! and BTW!! UFV applications are out now! good luck ^_^

Anyways thanks for stopping by to read! 
Hopefully you guys are all enjoying school so far! :] 

Further Notice:

Grad transitions 12 meeting #2: Monday, Oct 4,2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Terry Fox Challenge!! + more info.

This years Terry Fox run! We're holding an event!

Boys and Girls are encouraged to verse each other! This is a Boys vs Girls challenge! Seeing who will be able to donate the most! The loser has to sing or dance in front of everyone! BONUS they get dressed with whatever the winner picks for them to wear!
[Though I am not so positive..about the challenge...was it donating the most?...well..JUST MAKE SURE TO READ THE YELLOW FLYERS AROUND THE SCHOOL!Or go talk to Mr.Hunter for more info! ] 

The money will be raised to fight cancer! So please donate your Block A teachers and also..please tell them which gender you're supporting! :D 
 See the hair dressing program if you need a haircut to help make a donation towards the Terry Fox Foundation!

AND ALSOO...... 
PLEASE HELP SUPPORT THE GRADS BY PURCHASING TICKETS or PRODUCTS for their events they will be providing! :] it would be loved <3  

The Terry Fox run is on Friday Sept 24, 2010!
So better start donating! And lets see who wins!
[If theres anyone that knows more info on the Terry Fox challenge please comment! That would be lovely! Also if theres any mistakes on this challenge please comment and correct me!] 

Also note that Aldy-Day Spirit Day is on the same day of the Terry Fox run!

Info for Grade 9: 
Parents Night is at 7:00pm! Don't forget!! its on Wednesday, September 21, 2010!

Info for grade 10 + 11
Parents Night is at 7:00pm on Thursday, September 23,2010!

On Wednesday 22, 2010
*Is early Dismissal at 1:15pm!
*AVID TUTORer meeting after school!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Here's the Schedule for when our Photo pictures are taken:

                                 Time                             Last Names

Grade 9s                    8:45                                 A-H     
                                  9:05                                  I-P 
                                  9:25                                 Q-Z

Grade 10s                 10:15                                A-H
                                 10:40                                I-P
                                 11:05                               Q-Z

Grade 11s                 12:15                               A-H
                                 12:40                                I-P
                                 1:00                                 Q-Z

Grade 12s                 1:30                                 A-H
                                 1:50                                  I-P
                                 1:00                                 Q-Z

Reminder:  2:30pm Are for any students who has not done their photos on that day.

Picture retakes should be on October 7th [Thursday] , 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Welcome back to ACSS!

School is reopening on September 7th.
A reminder to all students that we come to school at noon.
ALL students arrive to school at 12:00pm.
12:30pm-1:15pm  we'll be asking you to go to your totem group.
(AKA. Homeroom)

 Wednesday, September 8th  2010
School will begin with normal schedule.

(Remember this year we don't have grade 8s) -YAY-

<Just kidding about the YAY>

 REMINDER To student councils:
student council meeting on September 14, 2010 at lunch.